Admission at Flinders Medical Centre


Patient admissions to Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) are arranged following requests from either consultants with admitting rights or from doctors within the hospital.

Admissions and the Emergency Department are the two main areas that formally admit patients requiring same day or inpatient treatment.

The Admissions Office coordinates the admission of all elective patients and emergency patients from Outpatient Clinics.

Services at Flinders Medical Centre for public patients are free, although in some areas (eg dental) a co-payment by the patient is required. Although FMC is a public hospital, private patients are most welcome.

see also: Accounts and Charges at Flinders Medical Centre

Health insurance classification

You have the choice of being treated as a public patient or a private patient at Flinders Medical Centre. You (or your agent) will be asked to sign a patient election form indicating your choice.

Public patient

You would normally elect to be classified as a public patient if you do not have private health insurance. Your treatment will be carried out by doctors allocated by the hospital, under the direction of an appropriate specialist. All services will be provided free of charge.

Private patient

At Flinders Medical Centre you can choose to be admitted as a private patient. Admission as a private patient has benefits for both you and the hospital. For more information please visit the Accounts and Charges page.

Contact details

Phone: (08) 8204 4126 or (08) 8204 6413
Fax: (08) 8204 3012
Location: Level 2 (top of stairs near main entrance)
Hours: 7.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday


Most patients who attend FMC for elective surgery will have an appointment in our Pre-Admission Unit.

During this visit you will discuss your planned surgery with a nurse, a surgical doctor and an anaesthetist. Some patients will see a pharmacist. You will have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

We will ask about your medical history, and the medications you take. Tests such as a blood test, an electrocardiogram (heart check) or an x-ray will be performed if required.

Please allow at least two hours for the visit. Some patients with more complex health histories may required longer than this.

Your appointment

Pre-admission appointments are made through the Admission Office.
Phone: (08) 8204 4126 or (08) 8204 6413

Interpreter service

Please let the Admission office know if you need an interpreter for your pre-admission visit.

Contact details

Advanced Nurse Unit Manager - Meredith Phillips
(08) 8204 4668
Location: Level 1, near the main entrance
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Day of Surgery Admission Unit (DOSA)

The function of the unit is to prepare you for your surgery on the day of your admission to hospital.

After surgery you will recover in the ward relevant to your surgery.  If you have special care needs after your surgery you may be required to be cared for in the High Dependency Unit Ward 5F on Level 5, or the Intensive Care Unit on Level 3. Your doctor will discuss this with you if this is expected.

Day surgery patients will return to the Day Surgery Recovery Area on Level 3. 

Contact details

Day of Surgery Admission Unit (DOSA)
Location: Level 3
Phone: (08) 8204 7375
Hours: Monday to Friday, 6.30am to 8.30pm