Admission at Modbury Hospital

Before you come to hospital: 

  • read any information you are given 
  • ask your GP if you have any questions 
  • check if you need to fast (not eat or drink) 
  • tell the doctor if you smoke. 

At the hospital: 

  • ask questions if you are not sure of anything. 

On arrival

The Admissions Office for elective surgery is located on the first floor for early morning admissions. The Admissions Office for business hours elective, emergency and outpatient admissions is located on the ground floor in the main foyer of the hospital. You will be issued a bracelet identification band on completion of admission, which you need to wear throughout your stay. Tell your doctor or a nurse of any allergies you have to antibiotics, medication or food, and mention any medication you take at home.

It is your choice to be admitted as either a public patient, treated by a doctor allocated to you by the hospital, or private patient, treated by a doctor of your choice who works at, or has visiting rights to, Modbury Hospital. This should be discussed prior to your admission to hospital. However, if you are unsure, please speak to your doctor, who will explain the situation.

Personal effects and valuables

Please do not bring any valuables or money with you to hospital, other than a small amount for newspapers, magazines or television rental. If you must bring valuables, please ask a member of the nursing staff to deposit the items in the locked hospital safe for safekeeping. Although all care is taken, the hospital is unable to accept responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, any property at patients’ bedsides.

Do not forget to collect your belongings before you leave hospital. Valuables can only be retrieved during office hours (8.45 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday) from safe custody located at the admissions desk in the front foyer of the hospital.

To ensure safety for all patients, visitors and staff, no electrical goods such as hairdryers and shavers should be brought into the hospital. Hairdryers are available on the wards.

Public patients

As a public Medicare patient, you are entitled to treatment in the public health care system and you generally do not have to pay for your treatment or your stay in hospital.

Patients who remain in hospital for longer than 35 days who no longer require hospital care may be liable to pay a fee.

Private patients

At the Modbury Hospital you can choose to be admitted as a private patient. Admission as a private patient has benefits for both you and the hospital. For more information, please see Modbury Hospital accounts and charges and attending hospital as a private patient.