Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) Telephone 1300 131 340 between 8.30 am and 10.00 pm (South Australian callers only - local call fee).
DASSA research publications
Wastewater report
Wastewater reports can now be found on the Preventive Health SA website
Statistical reports
Statistical bulletins
Statistical Bulletin: No 26 August 2024 (PDF 336KB)
National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2022-23: A summary of South Australian data.
Statistical Bulletin: No 25 April 2024 (PDF 1.6KB)
South Australian Population Health Survey Module System 2023: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 24 February 2024 (PDF 1.6KB)
Alcohol and other drug use among South Australia secondary school students: Findings from the South Australian component of the 2022/2023 Australian Secondary Students' Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) Survey.
Statistical Bulletin: No 23 December 2023 (PDF 2.7KB)
Cannabis use in South Australia: trends in the prevalence of use and associated harms.
Statistical Bulletin: No 22 September 23 (PDF 1.5KB)
South Australian Population Health Survey Module System 2022: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 21 July 2022 (PDF 1.5KB)
South Australian Population Health Survey Module System 2021: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 20 July 2021 (PDF 1.6KB)
South Australian Population Health Survey Module System 2020: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 19 September 2020 (PDF 1.6KB)
South Australian Population Health Survey Module System 2019: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 18 October 2019 (PDF 1.6MB)
South Australian Population Health Survey 2018: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 17 May 2019 (PDF 1.5MB)
Alcohol and other drug use among South Australia secondary school students: Findings from the South Australian component of the 2017 Australian Secondary Students' Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) Survey.
Statistical Bulletin: No 16 July 2018 (PDF 1.2MB)
Health Omnibus Survey 2017: a summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 15 April 2018 (PDF 2MB)
Alcohol and Other Drug Use in South Australia: Results from the 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey
Statistical Bulletin: No 14 March 2018 (PDF 1.5MB)
Opioid use and associated harms in South Australia.
Statistical Bulletin: No 13 September 2017 (PDF 1.5MB)
Substance use and associated harms among Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander South Australians.
Statistical Bulletin: No 12. June 2017 (PDF 939KB)
Health Omnibus Survey 2016: a summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 11. June 2016 (PDF 1.1MB)
Health Omnibus Survey 2015: a summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 10. May 2016 (PDF 1600KB)
Alcohol-attributable mortality and morbidity rates in South Australia May 2016.
Statistical Bulletin: No 9. October 2015 (PDF 504KB)
Alcohol and other drug use among South Australian secondary school students: Findings from the South Australian component of the 2014 Australian Secondary Students' Alcohol and Drug Survey.
Statistical Bulletin: No 7. June 2014 (PDF 310KB)
Health Omnibus Survey 2013: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption, attitudes toward public drunkenness, drink 'pre-loading' and perceptions of responsible and safe levels of alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 6. October 2013 (PDF 250KB)
Alcohol-attributable mortality and morbidity rates in South Australia 2013. The most up-to-date data available on the prevalence of alcohol and other drug use and the harms associated with misuse in South Australia.
Statistical Bulletin: No 5. April 2013 (PDF 280KB)
Health Omnibus Survey 2012: A summary of the results relating to alcohol consumption, attitudes toward public drunkenness and perceptions of responsible and safe levels of alcohol consumption.
Statistical Bulletin: No 4. April 2013 (PDF 425KB)
The prevalence of risky drinking and illicit drug use across socio-economic status in South Australia.
Statistical Bulletin: No 3. November 2012 (PDF 238KB)
Alcohol and other drug use among South Australian secondary school students 2011
Statistical Bulletin: No 2. May 2012 (PDF 341KB)
Prevalence of alcohol consumption and risky drinking in South Australia May 2012
Statistical Bulletin: No 1. June 2011 (PDF 245KB)
Prevalence of alcohol and other drugs in Aboriginal populations June 2011.
Research report
- Treatment Outcomes of Methamphetamine Dependent Clients Prescribed Modafinal 2019 (PDF 660KB)
- Social costs of alcohol, tobacco, opioids, methamphetamine and cannabis in Australia 2020 (PDF 730KB).
Monograph No. 26: 2011 (PDF 4837KB)
Pharmacotherapies for relapse prevention in alcohol dependence. Edition 2, 2011.
Monograph No. 25: 2008 (PDF 1164KB)
Qualitative Field Study for Users of Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs.
Monograph No. 24: 2008 (PDF 202KB)
Into The Maze: Treatment Pathways and Treatment Outcomes of Heroin Dependent Individuals in Australia.
Monograph No. 23: 2007 (PDF 913KB)
Results from the Australian arm of an International RCT of a Brief Intervention for illicit drug use linked to the scores on the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST).
Monograph No. 22: 2006 (PDF 1326KB)
Designer Drug Early Warning System (D2EWS) - 12 month technical report August 2005 - July 2006.
Monograph No. 21: 2006 (PDF 576KB)
Management of Methamphetamine Psychosis - Stage 2: Acute Care Interventions for the Treatment of Methamphetamine Psychosis and Assertive Community Care for the Post-discharge Treatment of Methamphetamine Psychosis.
Monograph No. 20: 2006 (PDF 614KB)
WHO Multi-site Project on Methamphetamine-induced Psychosis: A descriptive report of findings from participating countries.
Monograph No. 19: 2005 (PDF 1304KB)
Designer Drug Early Warning System (D2EWS) - 12 month technical report.
Monograph No. 18: 2006 (PDF 383KB)
Risk Perception and drug driving among illicit drug users in Adelaide.
Monograph 17
Please see Monograph No.26 (PDF 4837KB) for the latest research findings.
- Monograph No. 17: 2005 Edition 1 (PDF 2402KB)
Pharmacotherapies for relapse prevention in alcohol dependence. Edition 1, 2005 - Monograph No. 17: 2006 Supplement (PDF 28KB)
Pharmacotherapies for relapse prevention in alcohol dependence. Supplement, 2006
Earlier publications
Earlier publications are available from the SA Health Library Service (alcohol and other drugs).
Location: Ground floor, Glenside Campus Administration and Learning Services Building, Fullarton Road, Glenside
Telephone: (08) 7087 1202
Hours: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday