Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 gives members of the public a legally enforceable right to access information held by the South Australian Government, subject to certain conditions.

SA Health's agencies

Each of SA Health’s agencies operates separately for the purposes of Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation. For specific information, relating to these separate agencies, including contact information and publically available FOIs, please see the following agency pages:

Where to apply

Applications for access to documents must be made in writing and be lodged with the agency that holds the document. If you wish to access your personal medical records it is most likely that this information is held at a public hospital or health service in one of the Local Health Networks above.

For contact details, see the above listed agency FOI pages.

How to apply

When making an FOI application, you will need to provide enough information to enable the correct documents to be identified. If you are uncertain, it is recommended that you contact the relevant agency’s FOI Officer for assistance (see above for agencies specific pages).

Advice about how you would like to access the documents should be included in your FOI application.

See the relevant agency pages above for ways you can apply. 

Personal records

If you are seeking documents relating to your own personal affairs, you may be asked to provide proof of your identity. If you are seeking access to documents on behalf of another person relating to their personal affairs, you may be asked to provide written consent signed by that person.


There is a $42.00 FOI application fee that must be paid to the agency that holds the documents at the time you lodge your application. Contact the relevant agency for payment methods.

Processing charges may also be applicable. The agency will advise you of these charges once it receives your application and begins processing it.

If you are the holder of a current concession card, or if you can satisfy the agency that the payment of the fee or charge would cause financial hardship, the agency must waive or remit (reduce or refund) the application fee.

Ways documents can be accessed

Access to documents can be provided in different ways, depending on how the information is stored. The different ways you can access documents include:

  • inspecting documents
  • requesting a copy of documents
  • hearing and viewing audio and video tapes.

Useful links