Eudunda, Kapunda Health Advisory Council Inc.

A major role of the Eudunda Kapunda Health Advisory Council (HAC) is to relay ideas and views from the Community to the local Health Service. These ideas are used in planning for new and improved services.

The Eudunda Kapunda Health Advisory Council can include:

  • Up to 8 community members
  • Nominee of local government
  • A local member of Parliament or his or her nominee
  • A medical practitioner member
  • A worker from Barossa Hills Fleurieu LHN



Current members

  • Presiding member — Carolyn (Carol) Absolom

  • Local member of parliament — Janet Hazel

  • Local government member - Judy Partington

  • Medical practitioner — Vacant

  • Staff member — Tania Higgins

  • Community representatives -

    • Bill O'Brien

    • Manfred Lang

    • Judy Milde

    • Antoinette (Toni) Brown

    • Alison Schultz

    • Yvonne Amos

    • Julie Launer


Carol Absolom
Eudunda Kapunda Health Advisory Council Inc.
C/- Kapunda Hospital
PO Box 346
Kapunda SA 5373