Clinical Prioritisation Criteria consultation
SA Health’s initial focus is to invest in reducing waiting times so accessing outpatient appointments is easier, more transparent, and more effective. Through collaboration with a number of clinicians across SA, the Outpatient Redesign Project aspires to create sustainability in improved access to services, transparency, governance and accountability.
One of the initiatives is to develop consistent and publicly available Clinical Prioritisation Criteria or CPC.
The CPC are clinical decision-making support tools that assist in ensuring patients referred are clinically categorised and accepted based on standardised statewide clinical referral criteria.
The CPC aims for:
- transparency of outpatient criteria between Local Health Networks (LHNs), primary care and the public
- health professionals to be enabled with accurate and consistent specialty referral criteria and diagnostics required to support patient focussed decision making
- patients to have accurate and consistent specialty referral criteria and categorisation to improve their health literacy and enable informed decision making
- equitable assessment of patients regardless of where they live
- specialist outpatient appointments are delivered in order of clinical urgency
- patients who are ready for care at their first specialist outpatient appointment
- referral and communication process improvements between referrers (e.g. primary care) and specialist outpatient services
- increased referral quality by LHNs being transparent in the information and diagnostics required to support timely access to the most appropriate care
Consultation on CPC clinical specialities
The CPC have been developed by a multidisciplinary team of specialist clinicians including doctors, GPs, nurses and allied health professionals.
Consultation is open on the following specialities:
- Breast and Endocrine Surgery — adult
- Cardiology — adult
- Gastroenterology — paediatric
Orthopaedics — adult
Vascular — adult
Breast and Endocrine Surgery CPC open for consultation
Consultation closes 4 April 2025
Consultation is open for the adult Breast & Endocrine Surgery CPC (PDF 336KB) includes the following conditions:
- Breast Cancer/Breast Lump
- Breast Pain
- Breast Reduction
- Endocrine Surgical Conditions
- High Risk of Breast Cancer
- Mastitis
- Nipple Concerns
Cardiology CPC open for consultation
Consultation closes 4 April 2025
Consultation is open for the adult Cardiology CPC (PDF 443KB) includes the following conditions:
- Angina, Myocardial Ischaemia or Chest Pain
- Atrial Fibrillation / Flutter (AF)
- Heart Failure (HF)
- Murmur
- Palpitations
- Syncope and Pre-Syncope
Gastroenterology CPC open for consultation
Consultation closes 4 April 2025
Consultation is open for the paediatric Gastroenterology CPC (PDF 566KB) includes the following conditions:
- Abdominal Pain
- Altered Bowel Habit
- Coeliac Disease
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Iron Deficiency Anaemia with Suspected Gastrointestinal Cause
- Liver Dysfunction
- Nutritional and Weight Concerns
- Upper Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Orthopaedics CPC open for consultation
Consultation closes 4 April 2025
Consultation is open for the adult Orthopaedics CPC (PDF 592KB) includes the following conditions:
- Achilles Tendon
- Basal Thumb Arthritis
- De Quervain’s Tensynovitis
- Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Foot and Ankle Arthritis
- Foot and Ankle Deformity
- Ganglion
- Heel Pain
- Hip Pain (Acute and Chronic)
- Knee Pain (Acute and Chronic)
- Peripheral Nerve Entrapment – Carpal Tunnel/Ulnar Nerve
- Shoulder and Elbow (Acute and Chronic)
- Spinal (Orthopaedic)
- Trauma
- Trigger Finger or Stenosing Tenosynovitis
- Wrist Pain
Vascular CPC open for consultation
Consultation closes 4 April 2025
Consultation is open for the adult Vascular CPC (PDF 472KB) includes the following conditions:
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
- Carotid Artery Disease
- Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
- Varicose Veins
How to provide feedback
Feedback on the above listed CPCs can be provided via email to Refer to the individual specialities for closing dates.