Safeguarding the rights of older people

Older South Australians have the right to be safe and to be treated with dignity and respect.

Regardless of age you maintain the right to make decisions affecting your life, finances, where you live, health care, and lifestyle, and to have these respected by others.

Getting older does not mean these decisions are any less important, nor should it be assumed that they need to be made by others on your behalf.

Understanding your rights and maintaining your independence and control of important decisions, can help you or an older person you know, to continue to exercise their rights, and make informed decisions, as they age.

There are simple yet effective ways to help prevent abuse. Learn how you or someone you know can protect their health and wellbeing, finances and future decisions and wishes.

Know Your Rights – A Guide to the Rights of Older South Australians (PDF 1MB) has been developed by Office for Ageing Well in partnership with Legal Services Commission to inform older people of their rights, the laws that safeguard and offer protection, and where to go for more information and support.

For more information visit:


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