You can complete your Advance Care Directive Form (PDF 455KB) in more than one way:

  • By hand
    You can print and complete the Advance Care Directive Form by hand.
  • Electronically and then print
    You can complete your PDF Advance Care Directive Form electronically and then print it. Digital signatures for Substitute Decision-Makers and interpreters are available on the form.
  • Online
    You can complete your Advance Care Directive Form online.

Advance Care Directives made using the previous form (before 1 March 2024) remain legally valid.

If you have started an Advance Care Directive using the previous form but not yet completed it, you can still complete the previous form, or you can choose to use the new form.

Note - Part 7b of the previous versions of the new ACD form (online and printed) references ‘Section 15(b)’ of the Act. Please note the online forms have been amended to read ‘Section 15(1)(b)’. This does not affect the validity of the previous online versions or current hardcopy forms.

You can also download and/or print the:

Advance Care Directive kit

The Advance Care Directive kit (PDF 750KB) includes one Advance Care Directive Form and a step by step guide that has everything you need to know to complete your Advance Care Directive. This includes example statements, information for substitute decision makers, witnesses and interpreters, and other important information. There are also short instructions for completing the Advance Care Directive Form (PDF 200KB).

Alternatively, you can obtain a free professionally printed hard copy of the Advance Care Directive Kit:

Appointing Additional Substitute Decision-Makers

The Advance Care Directive Form allows you to appoint up to four Substitute Decision-Makers. To appoint any additional (more than four), you will need to complete the Appointing Additional Substitute Decision-Makers form (PDF 123KB) and attach it to your Advance Care Directive.

For more information on Substitute Decision-Makers see the Appointing Substitute Decision-Makers page. 

Example form

View a completed example of the Advance Care Directive form (completed) (PDF 938KB).

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