Teamwork works

Behind every patient is a dedicated team.

Not just the clinicians that patients see, but the cleaners, cooks, orderlies, maintenance, and administration staff who keep our hospitals and health services working and safe for everyone.

It takes a team

Our cooks, cleaners, orderlies and maintenance staff are essential in keeping our hospitals, medical centres and facilities, safe, hygienic and organised.

Professional support and ancillary services are integral to providing high quality care for all our patients and aged care residents.

Meet Darth

Darth is one of our dedicated maintenance engineers based at Port Lincoln. 

A professionally trained and qualified technician, Darth is part of the team that keeps the machines humming and the wheels rolling.

His expertise and skills help ensure our services and facilities continue to run smoothly and efficiently.

Meet Sue

Sue works at Port Lincoln Hospital as a primary nutrition provider, supervises our kitchen staff and is one of our most experienced professional cooks.

Providing nutrition is a key part of the provision of health services for both patients and staff, supporting everyone on their journey to health and wellbeing.

Be part of something bigger

Explore ancillary and non-clinical job opportunities with Eyre and Far North Local Health Network.