Overview: about the agency (YNLHN Annual Report 2020-21)

Our strategic focus

Our Purpose

To deliver safe, high-quality, holistic services that improve the health and wellbeing for all in the Yorke and Northern communities.

Our Vision

Leaders in exceptional rural healthcare.

Our Values

Equity: We are passionate about fairness in our communities and respect cultural diversity.

Integrity: We own our actions and are true to others and ourselves.

Care: We treat people with respect and dignity.

Excellence: We strive for excellence in the delivery of our services.

Engagement: We genuinely listen to each other and involve our communities to shape our network.

Innovation: We actively seek new ways of doing things and make them happen.

Our functions, objectives and deliverables

Yorke and Northern Local Health Network (YNLHN) provided a range of public acute, residential aged care, community and allied health and mental health services to country residents and communities of the Yorke and Northern region of South Australia.

We design and deliver our services based on population needs, with a strong focus on integrating our service delivery with metropolitan hospitals and other service providers in regional locations.

YNLHN’s strategic priorities are to:

  • Provide care responsive to the needs of our communities.
  • Creatively design quality services.
  • Have a skilled, engaged, collaborative workforce.
  • Develop partnerships for healthier communities.
  • Optimise digital technology and innovation.

YNLHN’s key deliverables are to:
  • Strive for a high-quality, integrated network through sound governance and continuous improvement.
  • Collaborate and co-design our services and models of care to deliver culturally safe, innovative, effective and best practice care for our communities.
  • Have a vibrant and collaborative workforce underpinned by common goals and a cohesive service offering fulfilling career pathways.
  • Foster partnerships to support interconnected delivery of health and wellness services across our communities.
  • Embrace and maximise the use of digital technology to enhance our ability to deliver the best possible health care.

Our organisational structure

The YNLHN is managed by the Chief Executive Officer, who is employed by, reports to, and is accountable to the YNLHN Governing Board.

Changes to the agency

During 2020-21 there were the following changes to the agency's structure and objectives as a result of internal reviews or machinery of government changes.

  • Transfer of surgical services from Balaklava Soldiers' Memorial District Hospital to Clare Hospital.

Our Minister

Hon Stephen Wade MLC is the Minister for Health and Wellbeing in South Australia.

The Minister oversees health, wellbeing, mental health, ageing well, substance abuse and suicide prevention.

Our Executive Team

Chief Executive Officer
Roger Kirchner is accountable to the Governing Board for the provision, management and administration of health services and ensuring the overall performance of all public health services, including residential aged care facilities, in the YNLHN.

Executive Director Community and Allied Health
Melissa Koch is responsible for the efficient and effective management of a range of community and hospital-based Community and Allied Health services across the local health network. This also includes the Environmental Health Centre, Aboriginal Health and Country Health Connect.

Executive Director Medical Services
Dr. Viney K. Joshi is responsible for ensuring the delivery of safe, high quality medical, surgical and specialist services to sites in the Local Health Network.

Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery
Michael Eades is responsible for the delivery of a range of services across the YNLHN, including Nursing and Midwifery, Acute Care Services, Residential Aged Care services, and Quality Risk and Safety.

The Executive Officers/Directors of Nursing from 16 health services sites including Residential Aged Care facilities across the YNLHN, all report to this position.

Chief Finance Officer
Vincent Bellifemini is responsible for leading the provision of comprehensive financial management, analysis, reporting and Debt Management functions across the YNLHN.

Director Corporate Services
Paul Fahey is responsible for the management of a broad range of high-level, critical corporate and business functions that support the effective operation of all sites in the YNLHN. This includes capital works, asset management, business continuity planning and emergency management.

Director Mental Health
Lucas Milne leads mental health services across the YNLHN, with teams based in Clare, Port Pirie and Kadina. The role is responsible for the delivery of mental health services and complex mental health reform projects in line with state-wide directions in collaboration with the Rural and Remote Mental Health Service.

Director People and Culture
Michael Davis is responsible for the management of the People and Culture Directorate, which encompasses the Human Resource and Work Health and Safety functions. These teams are responsible for providing expert advice and practical support to managers and staff and provide a range of reports to support the delivery of YNLHN strategic and operational objectives.

Director Aboriginal Health
Patrick Kinnear was appointed to the role in October 2020 and is responsible for the provision of high-level strategic leadership for Aboriginal Health Services across the YNLHN. This includes supporting the development and implementation of strategies to increase the Aboriginal workforce, providing direction and support to enhance the delivery of services to Aboriginal people, and developing strategies to ensure our services' cultural competence.

Director Governance and Leadership Support
Leeanne Peters is responsible for leading the provision of high-quality and timely support to the Chief Executive Officer, the Governing Board and the Board standing committees. The role has a strong focus on performance, effectiveness and relevant legislative compliance and is responsible for the functions of the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Freedom of Information and YNLHN Communications.

Manager Quality Risk and Safety
Joanne Vermeeren manages the Quality Risk and Safety Unit, which monitors the safety and quality systems, framework, and supports sites in implementing safety and quality initiatives.

Legislation administered by the agency


Other related agencies (within the Minister's area/s of responsibility)

Department for Health and Wellbeing
Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network
Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Eyre and Far North Local Health Network
Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network
Limestone Coast Local Health Network
Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
Women's and Children's Local Health Network
South Australian Ambulance Service
Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health
Office for Ageing Well
Wellbeing SA