SALHN strives to continually improve our research capability which is done though engaging our partners across health, academia and industry.

We have a variety of internal and external grant opportunities throughout the year.

SALHN can also administer a range of grants on behalf of SALHN staff.

The 2024 SALHN Enquiry Grant Round

In collaboration with our major partner, The Hospital Research Foundation Group (THRFG), SALHN is pleased to launch the 2024 SALHN Enquiry Grant Round. The aim of the grant round is to support the SALHN Research Strategy. This year the SALHN Enquiry Grant Round will be split into two streams:

  • Innovation Grants are aimed at continuous improvement, implementation of new models of care, projects using evidence to improving existing services, or small-scale pilot projects testing new innovations and can be for up to $25,000.
  • Research Grants are aimed at larger, investigational projects that generate new knowledge and can be up to $80,000.

To be eligible to apply for a SALHN Enquiry Grant, the following criteria must be met:

  • The Project Lead must have a salaried SALHN appointment.
  • The project must take place on one or more SALHN sites.
  • The funding must be administered by SALHN.
  • Any person who has been a principal investigator/project lead on a successful SALHN Enquiry Grant application from the past 2 years is not eligible to apply as a project lead this year. They can still be listed as part of the broader project team.

If you wish to apply, please carefully read the guidelines, and submit an application by 16 August.

Further information

For further information on grants and opportunities, please contact:

Simon Windsor — Manager Research Governance and Ethics
Phone: (08) 8204 4507

Lauren Perry — Research Development Manager
Phone: (08) 8204 6226 

Dominic How — Research Grants and Project Officer
Phone: (08) 8204 6285